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A lot of the commands in the guide do not work why?

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Rob Swan
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A lot of the commands in the guide do not work why?

Post by Rob Swan »

I type most of the content in MS Word before publishing to the site, some of the characters get changed automatically by word.

A common one is word changing this command for shutdown

sudo shutdown -r now

To this one

Sudo shutdown –r now

Both look the same but the second on will not work.

A capital S has been added to sudo which won’t be recognised, and also the -r has been changed to –r, which will not be recognised either.

So if a command does not work using copy and paste simply type the command manually to fix this problem.

Actual code snippets inside phpbb code boxes like this one are not normally affected by this problem.

Code: Select all


Sorry if you have been having this problem, I have only just noticed it myself.
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