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Important Things to Remember Before Proceeding

What Would I Want a Web Server For Anyway?
What will I Need?
Important Things to Remember Before Proceeding.
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Rob Swan
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Important Things to Remember Before Proceeding

Post by Rob Swan »

Everything on the old machine (that will be your server) will be permanently erased there is no going back to recover any data as we will be deleting everything including the operating system (normally windows) and installing Linux, the version of Linux is called Ubuntu, and it is free just like all the software you will need for your server.

Does your ISP Block Port 25?
If you live in the UK the chance that your ISP is blocking any port is very small. I have been told by friends, that sometimes USA ISP’s do block Port 25. I have no idea if this is case anywhere else. If port 25 is blocked by your ISP, then it means that you cannot run email through your server, it wont stop anything else. I have no idea if any places block any other ports.

Just in case you where wondering, a port is a virtual socket/port, just like a physical socket on a device, like a VGA/HDMI socket for your monitor, a power socket, a headphone socket and so on. If Windows blocked your headphone socket then nothing would happen when you plugged in your headphones. It is the same for port 25, if it was blocked no email could come past the broken connection. Each port is designated by a number, so these are the port numbers you need to run a web server.

Port 20, 21
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Used for uploading websites to your server using something called FTP, you could get around this one, but it would be a real pain.

Port 25
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Needed if you want to run email through your server for example

Port 53
Domain Name System (DNS) Essential that this port is not blocked we cannot continue without it.

Port 80
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Essential that this port is not blocked we cannot continue without it.

Port 110
Post Office Protocol (POP3) Needed if you want to download your email to another device such as a PC running MS Outlook locally, this port in not essential, there are ways around it, for example using the web based email that comes with your server. You may still be able to use local email using something called IMAP.

Port 143
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) This port is used for email but I am not sure if it is needed or not as web based email is hosted on your server directly, so I would not worry about this one too much.

Port 443
Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS). This port is needed as websites these days should all use HTTPS (a secure encrypted connection, Secure Sockets Layer "SSL"). This can be set up for free using a system called “Lets Encrypt” this is built into your server software.

Port 3306
MySQL protocol. It would be a good idea to have this port but the system should still work without it.

Port 22
Secure Shell (SSH). Contrary to popular belief, this port is not needed, the reason is you can choose your own port number for this (anywhere between 1024 and 65535). You would only use this for accessing the root of your server anyway (command prompt console) remotely (away from home), it’s not needed for local access (on the same network). Without SSH you can still access your online control panel from anywhere in the world.

Things to consider about your ISP.
You are using a connection that you are renting from them and they have the final say. They have the power to take it down, although I have never heard of this ever happening before. It is completely legal to have web server, as long as you don’t use it for something illegal. I would suggest that you keep it family friendly too.

Sometimes it is possible to check if your IP address is static without contacting your ISP. Just ask Google “What is my IP address” Next turn off your router, wait 5 or 10 minutes. Turn your router back on. Next ask google again “What is my IP address” and then see if it has changed. I would maybe do this a few times. This is not always accurate though, as it may just be a coincidence that you have the same IP Address. Some sites may even be able to tell you if your IP address is static, so it’s worth spending some time researching before asking your ISP.

One of the largest ISP’s in the UK is BT (I am not with them), they do not offer a static IP address to home customers, only to business customers. But that’s not the end of the story, if your router remains connected, your IP address will not change, also I have been told by people who are on fibre optic broadband with BT that a lot of the time if your router does reconnect you are given the same IP. So, where you could not guarantee that your IP address would not change it may remain static for quite some time. This is not the best as when your IP address does change you would have to change the IP address linked to your domain name (you will find out how to do this later), which would result in down time, so it’s your call.

As far as blocked ports go, and your IP address, you could just try creating a server, what is the worst that could happen? it does not work?
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