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The Apache http Service Randomly stops.

The Apache http Service Randomly stops.
The Letsencrypt Directory & Apache Bug. (Important)
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The Subdomain Deletion Bug. (Important)
The Squirrelmail PHP8 Issue.
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Rob Swan
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Posts: 70
Joined: Tue Oct 31, 2017 3:03 pm
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The Apache http Service Randomly stops.

Post by Rob Swan »

Impact Level: HIGH

Fix Found: YES

Fix Complexity: EASY

Bug Description
The Apache http service randomly stops, this is usually after doing something in EHCP force web based control panel, that makes a change to the Apache configuration.

You cannot see any of your websites in a browser, furthermore you cannot even see the EHCP web based control panel.
This is usually caused by Ubuntu server automatic updates.

The Fix
Connect to you server using PuTTY and issue this command to start the Apache service again.

sudo service apache2 start

Follow the procedure in THIS post to disable automatic updates, then also fully update your server as per the post.

Once automatic updates have been turned off (and Ubuntu us fully updated), you should find that the Apache service no longer randomly stops.

Last bumped by Rob Swan on Tue Aug 29, 2023 4:39 pm.
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